Date : Wed, 25 Feb 2004 12:33:07 GMT
From : "Thomas Harte " <thomasharte@...>
Subject: Re: Draft protocal for externally emulated hardware
Coming into this a little late, I think it is interesting to explain how
ElectrEm (ElectrEm Future onwards,
anyway) does things, as it pretty much allows any 6502 plugin to be written.
Its all C++ based, so I don't expect
it is suitable for all.
Every component (my term for 6502 attachments) has a number of function
calls. These are:
Attach and Detach are pretty obvious. They are called when the component
is attached or detached from the
6502. At that time they declare any registers they provide. In future,
if a memory access occurs to any
address declared as a register, the Read or Write function is called. Those
functions get a timestamp, an
address and a data value (which in ElectrEm means both an 8bit and a 32bit
data value, as ElectrEm does 'bit
multiplexing' - the common technology I have still yet to learn a decent
name for).
The Update function is the really interesting one. It is called with the
number of cycles to run for and a flag
indicating whether the emulator is lagging behind realtime speed or not.
This flag is of interest mostly to the
ULA screen output component, which can decide to skip frames if things
are tight, and is also factored in by
the sound outputter, but is not conclusive there.
At the end of the period passed to Update is the only time at which CPU
control lines such as reset, interrupt or
NMI may be adjusted. To make this all work irrespective of the hardware,
Update has a return result. That
result is the number of cycles for which the device can be certain it won't
want to adjust any of these lines.
The emulator ensures that the component will get a chance to make any required
changes at the end of that
time, although the next step may not necessarily be as long as the period
returned, and may actually be zero.
There is a specially defined value 'CYCLENO_ANY' which means that the component
will not be adjusting the CPU
control lines in the foreseeable future.
There is also the possibility to force an early break. If a register write
or read (through the Read and Write
functions) has the effect that the old time returned is no longer accurate,
a component can return a message
to that effect, and it will get an Update call to the current cycle in
order for the emulation proper to learn the
new value.
Of course, to this end for perfectly accurate emulation, every component
must be able to break at any cycle
count. This is achieved in ElectrEm. Even the 6502, which fully emulates
every memory read and write of the
6502 (the 6502 reads or writes every single cycle, regardless of whether
it really needs to - very important to
grasp this if your CPUs clock rate is dependant on memory access as in
the Electron) and can break at any
cycle, mid-operation or not. You can thank your modern multithreaded operating
systems and hardware for
that system being at all workable.
In order to achieve full hardware emulation accuracy, and now completely
off the point of the thread proper,
the ElectrEm 6502 is actually an enhanced device with a memory mapper and
a parallel DMA engine. The memory
mapper is just enough for ROM and JIM paging, and Slogger Master RAM Board
emulation (which secretly pages
according to PC location), and the DMA just enough for cycle perfect video
memory collection.
ElectrEm Future is actually cycle perfect in all documented respects, although
the tape emulation and exact
interrupt timing remains a best guess based on testing against available
software as either Acorn never saw fit
to document those devices, or else I've simply not found the documentation.
And I'm not really good enough
with hardware to determine these things for myself.
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