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Date   : Sun, 15 Feb 2004 21:45:44 +0100 (GMT)
From   : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: Unknown chip

Hi Mike,

On Sun 15 Feb, Mike Tomlinson wrote:
> In article <Marcel-1.53-0213215929-0b0xSBG@...>, Johan
> Heuseveldt <johan@...> writes
> > In the process of cleaning, one of the BBC machines has a small box -
> > which I had forgotten about - with a few roms and an unknown chip (to me)
> > in it. The unknown chip is a plastic DIL, 2 x 12, and the texts are:
> >
> >  CN48415N
> >  00201752-01
>      ^^^^^^^^^
> This is the Acorn part number.

Ah. Then no doubt someone can tell us what it means. But no doubt he's also
not on the list or even close. Wishing to be wrong on the latter.

> I can't open your .zip file (Winzip says it's not a valid archive.)

Sorry to hear that. I just checked it again, and it's all ok here.
SparkFS 1.27 (10-May-1994) was used.

> Are you sure it's 24-pin?

Yes, I am! :-)
Hopefully others can use the .zip file and can confirm it is.

> IIRC, the only 24-pin chip in the Beeb is the 6850 ACIA (serial chip), but
> that will be clearly marked as such, and it's a Motorola, not Acorn, part.

I'm pretty sure all of these are true, but that's just me.

> If it is actually 28-pin, and given that you found it in a box of roms,
> I'd plug it into a ROM socket, switch on, and do a *HELP to see if it
> responds.  If not, try jumping into it with *FX142,n where n is the ROM
> socket number to see what is printed on screen.

See other mail to Chris for this.


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
Less is more.

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