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Date   : Mon, 09 Feb 2004 18:30:56 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: EPROM programmers/copiers?

On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 14:02, Richard Kilpatrick wrote:
> That's where having a Mac with 160Gb disc and a DVD-burner comes in 
> handy ;)

hehe :)  what's the projected lifetime of dvd disks by the way - any
idea? I used to put things on CD but now older DAT drives are
essentially throwaway items I'm starting to move in that direction.

> Richard, trying to decide if a technology exchange with a collector 
> might be an idea - I'm wondering if getting the ABC up and running is 
> beyond my capabilities and if it would be worth a working LV-ROM to 
> someone... I have at least cleaned it, installed an ST-225 drive and 
> ascertained exactly how 'not working' it is :)

ha ha - it's always a possibility...

I now have proper video out on the first unit that had an unstable
picture before :-) 

Turned out to be a dry joint on one of the pins for one of the
surface-mount transistors on the timebase board. That was a right sod to
track down! 

Now to see if I can get any digital data off it; I couldn't from the
other unit, but presumably that was the reason that particular one was
marked as scrap. Fingers crossed this unit doesn't also have the same



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