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Date   : Thu, 05 Feb 2004 22:23:26 -0000 
From   : Andrew Hancock <Andrew.Hancock@...>
Subject: Re: At last!


Assuming the Plastic Key strip has never been swapped.....

The OWL is the same size on both but if it says

BBC microcomputer

It could be pre-Issue 7


It could be an Issue 7

The easiest way is to quickly remove the case. It doesn't really which Issue
you've got they all work as well as one another! IMHO

As for whether it's a Model A or Model B, connect it to a TV and power on.
16k (A) or 32k (B) will be revealed, have you got connectors underneath the
Beeb, if it could be an 'A', but it may have the memory upgrade.

The early Beebs had a very large gap, that you could put your hand in, in
the rear, later Beebs, had this gap made narrower! Probably to stop kids
putting pens in!



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colin [mailto:cwhill@...]
> Sent: 05 February 2004 21:14
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] At last!
> Well, I know I'm not up there with all you wizards but at least now I have
> my own BBC Micro (I had the Electron)which a friend had tucked away in the
> attic - and a disc drive as well!
> I haven't had time to get it up and running yet but it's serial number is
> 01-ANBOI-3002681 manufactured by Astec Components Ltd to BS 415. and says
> copyright 1981
> Without me opening it up (gulp), could some kind person actually tell me
> from that which exact model/version I have?
> The case is a cream colour with a black insert for the keys and the strip
> with the "owl" logo on is a chocolate colour.
> Further details on request  :-)
> Thanks,
> Colin Hill

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