Date : Sat, 24 Jan 2004 00:40:45 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: BBC Hard Drive Package Update
> Message-ID: <40096192.8000200@...>
Richard Gellman <splodge@...> wrote:
> Hard drive support will be in the next version of BeebEm (due out
> spring-ish).
I was just thinking of a long list of other emulated hardware to ask you
to consider implementing, when I realised there's a better idea.
At is a proposal
to allow Spectrum emulators running on RISC OS to pass unknown hardware
I/O access to other modules, so then other people could build emulated
hardware themselves and "plug" it in.
I'm not too up to speed with Windows DLLs and stuff, but I imagine a
similar concept could work with BeebEm and Windows-based BBC emulators in
What would be needed is a generally agreed protocol by which a BBC
emulator passes hardware access to hardware it doesn't implement itself to
other modules to allow them to pick it up. A minimum would be the
The emulated BBC is performing a hardware reset. To the emulated hardware
this would be like the ~RST signal on the 1MHz bus. Nothing should claim
this call.
The emulated BBC is attempting to write to an address in &FCxx/&FDxx to
something that is not emulated by the emulator itself. If an external
module can deal with this, claim the call.
The emulated BBC is attempting to read from an address in &FCxx/&FDxx from
something that is not emulated by the emulator itself. If an external
module can deal with this, claim the call, and return a value.
So, if an emulator implements, for instance, a SCSI card at &FC40-&FC43,
then access to those addresses would not get passed to the calls. If
nothing claims a read call, then the emulator should assume it has read
The emulator could even pass through access to addresses in &FExx that
aren't implemented by the emulator, so, for example, an external module
could emulate a 6854 ADLC at &FEA0-A7.
A more advanced implementation would allow the external emulated hardware
to generate 6502 IRQs and NMIs.
J.G.Harston (JGH BBC PD Library) 70 Camm Street, Walkley, SHEFFIELD S6 3TR
jgh@... - Running on BBCs & Masters with SJ MDFS FileServer
Z80+6502/CoPro+Tubes/Econet+SJ - - - - - - -