Date : Fri, 23 Jan 2004 13:06:26 +0000
From : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Re: IDE Interface for BBC
--On Friday, January 23, 2004 12:16:10 +0000 Dom Wright
<domwright@...> wrote:
> The Acorn card seems to connect pin 34 of the SCSI bus directly to +5v
> (mine is an Issue 2 card).
> The Adaptec ACB4000 doesn't use this pin at all, but the other specs
> for SCSI that I have seen seem to indicate that this pin should be
> grounded. Hence the power supply is shorted and shuts down
> immediately.
Yes, it's the ground that matches the parity line. When Acorn designed
the card, I suspect they were thinking of a non-parity interface.
> Is it worth me cutting the track to pin 34 on the Acorn board?
Yes, I'd just cut it. In fact, I think I already did, on mine.
Pete Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York, UK