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Date   : Tue, 13 Jan 2004 13:51:16 +0100
From   : "Mark Usher" <mu.list@...>
Subject: Re: Host adapter Issue D

> If you were a real masochist, you could do it over Econet.  Attach the
> SCSI drive to an E01S and use CopyFiles, or for a few files 
I don't have an EO1S but I had thought about using Econet, but my
Fileserver doesn't seem a happy bunny at the moment - just beeeeeeeeep
at turn on. I suppose I could use the API to copy Peer to Peer though

Back to the almost sane world....
I've got the drives and adapters set up now.
The noname host adapter doesn't actually appear to have any termination
at all, either for the 1MHZ or the SCSI bus. Just latch and logic chips
which is strange.
Anyway, I have tried both the host adapters at different places on the
cable, removing and reinserting the 1MHZ termination on the Acorn
adapter as necessary.

The Acorn adapter has been modified to 
IC7 (74LS138N) PIN 5 to IC6 (74LS138N) PIN 13 (instead of 15)

So that it should be at FC48-FC4C and the noname adapter at FC40-FC43 -
presuming that this modification is the correct one. In fact, with the
modification in place and only the Acorn adapter, should I not be able
to boot and *MOUNT 2 - which it doesn't seem to allow me to do.

When booting to ADFS, with the modified Acorn adapter on the BUS and the
no-name adapter, ADFS just hangs when booting and doesn't come back with
the prompt. The same with just the Acorn adapter on its own, either with
or without the drive.

Theoretically there should be DRIVE 0 and DRIVE 2 available, with the
floppy at DRIVE 4

 |-No Name--Adaptec 4070--1 MFM Drive
 |-Acorn -- SCSI Drive (ID 0)

Also should a second SCSI drive be at ID 1 or is the adapter hard coded
to only address ID 0, the Adaptec Controller allowing the access to two
drives on ID0 LUN0 & LUN1.


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