Date : Mon, 12 Jan 2004 01:51:37 +0000
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: BBC floppy / drive formats
> Message-ID: <1073655790.18654.82.camel@...>
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
> Can somebody summarise for me the various known BBC disk formats in
> terms of the following:
> Sectors per track
> Data bytes per physical sector
> Cylinders
> Transfer rate (125 / 250 / 500Kbps)
> Modulation (FM / MFM)
> Write precompensation (none also being a valid option!)
See and
In summary:
Disk Formats
Media Mod. Sides Tracks Sectors Numbers BytesPerSector Media Size
DD FM 1 40 10 0-9 256 100k
DD FM 2 40 10 0-9 256 200k
DD FM 1 80 10 0-9 256 200k
DD FM 2 80 10 0-9 256 400k
DD MFM 1 40 9 0-8 512 180k
DD MFM 1 40 9 1-9 512 180k
DD MFM 2 40 9 0-8 512 360k
DD MFM 2 40 9 1-9 512 360k
DD MFM 1 80 9 0-8 512 360k
DD MFM 1 80 9 1-9 512 360k
DD MFM 2 80 9 0-8 512 720k
DD MFM 2 80 9 1-9 512 720k
DD MFM 1 40 16 0-15 256 160k
DD MFM 2 40 16 0-15 256 320k
DD MFM 1 80 16 0-15 256 320k
DD MFM 2 80 16 0-15 256 640k
DD MFM 2 80 5 0-4 1024 800k
HD MFM 2 80 10 0-9 1024 1600k
HD MFM 2 80 18 1-18 512 1440k
HD MFM 2 80 15 1-15 512 1200k
Once a disk has been formatted, you can put any filesystem in it. There
are usual combinations, eg 1*80*10*256 usually has DFS in it and
1*80*16*256 usually has ADFS in it, but it's just as easy to put DFS in
1*80*16*256, which is one of the options Watford's DDFS gives you.
Filesystem Formats
Directory Size=&0200
Free Space Map=implied
Root =&0000-&0001
Deblocked =No
Watford DFS:
Directory Size=&0400
Free Space Map=implied
Root =&0000-&0003
Deblocked =No
Directory Size=&0500
Free Space Map=&0000,&0001
Root =&0002-&0006
Deblocked =No
Directory Size
Free Space Map= ... check RISC OS PRMs
Deblocked =No
Acorn CPM:
Directory Size=&1000
Free Space Map=implied
Root =&001E00
Deblocked =Yes
Directory Size=&0300
Free Space Map=&0046
Root =&0047
Deblocked =No
Most Acorn formats use H:C:S numbering, ie:
logical sector=Side*TracksPerSide+Track*SecPerTrack+Sector
32bit ADFSs also use C:H:S numbering, ie:
logical sector=Track*SecPerTrack*Sides+Side*SecPerTrack+Sector
There are many others. I'm updated some documents on my website about
details of filesystem structures.
> I'm going to be doing a little fiddling about as the controller has the
> "data bytes per physical sector" parameter as well as a "block length"
> parameter (the latter being fixed at one of 128, 256, 512, or 1024
> bytes). The spec for the board doesn't mention how the two differ.
Physical sector: The physical number of bytes per sector
Block length : The number of physical bytes to fetch in one go and
addressed as a single unit.
If Physical=Block, everything is as you would expect.
But, if, for example, physical=256 and block=512, then fetching block 0
will get sector 0 and 1, and fetching block 1 will get sector 2 and 3,
> Possibly the former is how many bytes are essentially pulled off the
> drive per sector, which as then padded with zeros up to the nearest
No, padded with the next physical sector.
J.G.Harston (JGH BBC PD Library) 70 Camm Street, Walkley, SHEFFIELD S6 3TR
jgh@... - Running on BBCs & Masters with SJ MDFS FileServer
Z80+6502/CoPro+Tubes/Econet+SJ - - - - - - -