Date : Mon, 03 Nov 2003 14:15:40 +0000 (GMT)
From : Geoff Smith <gasssmith@...>
Subject: Re: Problems with Beebem 1.41
I did wonder if Stuart was ill but complaints have been going on for years
about his failure to reply, and someone must (?) be paying for his website.
Geoff Smith
Mark Usher <mu.list@...> wrote:
Hi all
>> Since then I have heard of other people who have had the same
>> problem, and there are mentions in this list's archives
>> going back 3 years.
>> So, Stuart, if you get to read this - if you are no longer
>> accepting registrations change your website to say so
I last heard from Stuart in Jun 99. We kept in touch on quite a regular
basis. Stuart was always very helpful, and definately of "good
character", and it surprises me that this situation has arose. One must
not forget that something may have happened to Stuart and hence his lack
of response, or update - even to the web page.
> Fully agreed. If it is no longer being developed, and
> payment for new registrations are no longer being accepted,
> can we assume that pcBBC is now in the Public Domain, and as
> such, are we allowed to distribute it?
Not according to current UK copyright law you can't. The owner or his
heirs own all rights thereon.
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<DIV>I did wonder if Stuart was ill but complaints have been going on for
years about his failure to reply, and someone must (?) be paying for his
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Geoff Smith<BR><BR><B><I>Mark Usher <mu.list@...></I></B>
#1010ff 2px solid">Hi all<BR><BR>>> Since then I have heard of other
people who have had the same <BR>>> problem, and there are mentions
in this list's archives <BR>>> going back 3 years.<BR>>> So,
Stuart, if you get to read this - if you are no longer <BR>>> accepting
registrations change your website to say so<BR><BR>I last heard from Stuart
in Jun 99. We kept in touch on quite a regular<BR>basis. Stuart was always
very helpful, and definately of "good<BR>character", and it surprises
me that this situation has arose. One must<BR>not forget that something
may have happened to Stuart and hence his lack<BR>of response, or update
- even to the web page.<BR><BR>> Fully agreed. If it is no longer being
developed, and <BR>> payment for new registrations are no longer being
accepted, <BR>> can we assume that pcBBC is now in the Public Domain,
and as <BR>> such, are we
allowed to distribute it? <BR>Not according to current UK copyright law
you can't. The owner or his<BR>heirs own all rights thereon.<BR><BR>Mark<BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE><p><hr
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