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Date   : Thu, 30 Oct 2003 17:14:48 +0000
From   : "John Martland" <johnmartland@...>
Subject: Treat Me Like A Fool!

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to the forum but have come here because at the age of 35 I'm about 
to relive my youth and desperately need your help!

I grew up using a Model B in the mid-80s.  Thats long since gone and so I've 
just bought a standard Master system because I basically want to replay some 
of the games that kept me up till all hours many moons ago.

Games like Zalaga, Starship Command and of course Elite immediately spring 
to mind but I'm rambling!

I found a few sites from which you can download virtually the entire BBC 
catalogue of games.  Sites like 'The BBC Lives' 
(www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/index.php3), 'The BBC Games Archive' 
(www.beebgames.com) and 'Stairway to Hell' (www.stairwaytohell.com).

Unfortunately though, I am to be considered a fool when it comes to the 
manner in which you would successfully download the games you want.  I'm 
viewing these sites via a 1mb Broadband connection on an Inspiron 8200 Dell 
Lap Top (powerful as you like) and have no idea how I download them to the 
Lap Top and then transfer them on to 5.25" floppy in such a way that they 
will be 'boot'able on the Master.  I hope I'm making sense here... I 
basically need to be guided right through the process of taking a game from 
a web site to my Lap Top and then from the Lap Top to my BBC in a 'boot'able 
format on 5.25" disc.

Can anyone please help me... ideally by providing a step by step fools guide 
to successfully getting 'say' Elite up and running on my Master?

Any help would be appreciated and please dont think you are teaching me to 
suck eggs.... treat me like a fool and show me the way!


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