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Date   : Thu, 30 Oct 2003 01:50:16 -0800 (PST)
From   : Geoff Smith <geoff.smith@...>
Subject: Cassette to PC


I want to use MAKEUEF to transfer BBC tape files to PC for use in Beebem.

My cassette player takes a 5 pin DIN plug with the sockets numbered 3 5
2 4 1 on the circuit diagram (no idea if that's looking into or out of
the socket).
3 and 5 are connected , as are 1 and 4.

I need to make up a lead : 5 pin DIN plug to jack plug to connect to the
PC's sound card.
I'm only interested in BBC to PC transfers, so I assume all I need is a
2 core (screened ?) lead connecting 2 and either 3/5 or 1/4 to the centre
and outer terminals on the jack plug.
But which goes to which?

As this is just the kind of lead most people will have used to connect
their BBC to the jack socket on a cassette player I hope someone can spare
a few minutes to check this out for me.

Assuming that connecting the cassette player to the PC works OK, would
it be safe to use the same lead to connect a BBC to the PC for file transfers?
In the past I've had both my BBCs connected together via the cassette ports
with total success. This despite being in ignorance of the recommendation
in the Service Manual , which I only recently got to see.

Geoff Smith
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