Date : Tue, 28 Oct 2003 21:44:09 -0000
From : "Ken Lowe" <kglowe@...>
Subject: Re: Elite A (Elite III) under BeebEm/ModelB Emulation on PC!
In addition to the testing of ModelB by Tom, I've tried various other EliteA
(EliteA-unofficial.ssd from stairwaytohell) configurations and noted the
With BeebEm V1.41 in BBC mode (unless stated otherwise):
doesn't seem to like Acorn DFS0.98 and Native 8271. Won't even boot.
doesn't seem to like Acorn DNFS1.2 and Native 8271. Game hangs with Not
Found error.
seems to work fine with Watford DFS 1.44 and Native 8271
seems to work fine with Acorn DFS2.23 and Acorn 1770
seems to work fine with Acorn DFS2.23 and Acorn 1770 in B+ Mode (my modded
version :-))
seems to work fine with Acorn DFS2.26 and Acorn 1770
seems to work fine with Acorn DFS2.26 and Acorn 1770 in B+ Mode (my modded
version :-))
With ModelB V28.07.02 in BBC mode (unless stated otherwise):
doesn't seem to like Acorn DFS2.23 and Acorn 1770. Game hangs with Not Found
doesn't seem to like Acorn DFS2.23 and Acorn 1770 in B+ Mode. Game hangs
with Not Found error.
doesn't seem to like Acorn DFS2.26 and Acorn 1770. Game hangs with Not Found
doesn't seem to like Acorn DFS2.26 and Acorn 1770 in B+ Mode. Game hangs
with Not Found error.
The testing involved booting EliteA, not loading a commander, and launching
from the space station - F10 on ModelB, F11 on BeebEm.
Not sure why it works with Acorn1770 on BeebEm, but not with ModelB??? I
guess it's down to the way the the 1770 is emulated.
>From that lot, and the info provided by Tom, you should be able to get a
working version.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Hancock" <Andrew.Hancock@...>
To: <tom@...>; <>; "Andrew Hancock"
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 12:02 AM
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Elite A (Elite III) under BeebEm/ModelB Emulation
on PC!
> Tom
> I thought you might be out there!
> Thanks for the quick response.
> I've download the version from Stairway to Hell
> in case my DSD copy was corrupted. (FYI This version doesn't seem to be
> complete!)
> But okay for testing.
> Acorn dfs-2.10.rom I get the same error Not Found on launch.
> Watford ddfs-1.54t.rom, after loading the *.ssd, I get Drive Fault 00 at
> 00/00 when issuing a *. (*CAT).
> Opus challenger-1.01.rom *. (*CAT) produces nothing, no error.
> Maybe it's me, not being familiar with third party DFSes, I was always an
> ACORN DFS man!
> Andrew
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: tom@... []
> > Sent: 26 October 2003 23:23
> > To: 'bbc-micro@...'; Andrew Hancock
> > Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Elite A (Elite III) under BeebEm/ModelB
> > on PC!
> >
> > On 26 Oct 2003 at 20:31, Andrew Hancock wrote:
> >
> > > Model B
> > >
> > > On launching it states Not Found and Hangs. If I load a commander
> > if
> > > works okay.
> >
> > I just tried it with Watford DFS 1.54, and then Challenger 1.01, and
> > it seemed to work fine in both cases. (This is Elite-A as downloaded
> > from Stairway to Hell.) I booted the disk, didn't load a commander,
> > and I was able to launch from the space station.
> >
> > Let me know if you still have problems, and I'll look into it...
> >
> > --Tom