Date : Tue, 28 Oct 2003 08:42:29 -0000
From : Andrew Hancock <Andrew.Hancock@...>
Subject: Re: Elite A (Elite III) under BeebEm/ModelB Emulation
Managed to get Elite A working on ModelB Emulator using Challenger DFS and
Discinterface. Thanks to Tom's help!
Works quite well in a 512k RAM Disc.
Could get it to work on BeebEm 1.41, it randomly crashed on launching and
docking, various error messages Not Found and Bad Command.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angus Duggan [mailto:angus.duggan@...]
> Sent: 28 October 2003 01:12
> To: Andrew Hancock
> Cc: 'tom@...'; ''
> Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Elite A (Elite III) under BeebEm/ModelB Emulation
> on PC!
> Andrew Hancock writes:
> >Tom
> >
> >I thought you might be out there!
> >
> >Thanks for the quick response.
> >
> >I've download the version from Stairway to Hell (EliteA-
> >in case my DSD copy was corrupted. (FYI This version doesn't seem to be
> >complete!)
> There is a possible problem with Elite-A in that it uses even more of the
> memory than the original Elite. If the disc does not stop between loading
> files (save/load commander, docking/encyclopaedia/flying change) the DFS
> can
> try to use cached data that has been overwritten. I don't know how this
> works
> with emulation, the DFS (DNFS/HDFS/8271 DFSes) check the 8271 status
> register
> to see if the disc is still spinning. It may be the emulation is not
> providing an expected value.
> a.