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Date   : Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:30:21 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: Eprom Burning

In article <sorUJDITfRn$EwKr@...>,
   Ben Newsam <ben@...> wrote:
> Sprow <info@...> writes:
> >In article
> ><6A4F555CEA3CD5118DBD0002E30AC0912C08EA@...>,
> >   Andrew Hancock <Andrew.Hancock@...> wrote:
> >> Elite is far too big to fit into a single 16k eprom formatted with RFS!
> >
> >You can split RFS over multiple ROMs without problem,so you can have up to
> >15*16k (assuming the other one ROM contains a language),
> RFS is horribly slow; slower than disc, believe it or not, because it 
> uses blocks in the same way as the tape system.

Indeed,I wasn't particularly advocating the use of RFS,more just pointing
out that it's not limited to 16k.
The reason it's slow is the byte streaming nature (thus the overhead per
byte is large as there's lots of paging in and out and CRC messing) of the
blocks - primarily to allow almost all of the CFS and RFS code to be common.

What would be more sensible is to compress the data and then have a loader
(triggered by a * command) which expands it - Elite on a single EPROM,now
there's a challenge for someone!

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