Date : Mon, 27 Oct 2003 00:02:17 -0000
From : Andrew Hancock <Andrew.Hancock@...>
Subject: Re: Elite A (Elite III) under BeebEm/ModelB Emulation
I thought you might be out there!
Thanks for the quick response.
I've download the version from Stairway to Hell (
in case my DSD copy was corrupted. (FYI This version doesn't seem to be
But okay for testing.
Acorn dfs-2.10.rom I get the same error Not Found on launch.
Watford ddfs-1.54t.rom, after loading the *.ssd, I get Drive Fault 00 at
00/00 when issuing a *. (*CAT).
Opus challenger-1.01.rom *. (*CAT) produces nothing, no error.
Maybe it's me, not being familiar with third party DFSes, I was always an
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tom@... []
> Sent: 26 October 2003 23:23
> To: 'bbc-micro@...'; Andrew Hancock
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Elite A (Elite III) under BeebEm/ModelB Emulation
> on PC!
> On 26 Oct 2003 at 20:31, Andrew Hancock wrote:
> > Model B
> >
> > On launching it states Not Found and Hangs. If I load a commander Gecko
> if
> > works okay.
> I just tried it with Watford DFS 1.54, and then Challenger 1.01, and
> it seemed to work fine in both cases. (This is Elite-A as downloaded
> from Stairway to Hell.) I booted the disk, didn't load a commander,
> and I was able to launch from the space station.
> Let me know if you still have problems, and I'll look into it...
> --Tom