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Date   : Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:52:13 -0000
From   : Andrew Hancock <Andrew.Hancock@...>
Subject: Re: Eprom Burning

Elite is far too big to fit into a single 16k eprom formatted with RFS!


-----Original Message-----
From: Darren T. Brown [mailto:darren@...] 
Sent: 26 October 2003 15:02
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Eprom Burning

Thanks for the info guys.

There must be a simpler way than having to reload my original disks and
tapes when I have the image files already on my PC.

Excuse my ignorance, I am completely new to the BBC, and never had Disks
with the electron...and only 1 ROM:)

How did one create a ROM image originally?..or was that not possible...can
Rom images only be created from pre-programmed ROMS? Or is it possible to
use, say, an Emulator- load in a program or game, and then spit it back out
as a ROM image?

Sorry for all the questions- I have ordered some books so that I can
familiurise myself with the machins a little better...but I am itching to
get Elite burned to an Eprom and installed in my machine. Currently I just
have original tape, as well as disk and tape images on my PC.


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