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Date   : Sat, 25 Oct 2003 20:37:27 +0100
From   : "Darren T. Brown" <darren@...>
Subject: introduction and EPROM question

Hi guys (and girls?)

I never could quite get over my acorn electron, and as a youngster it
was the best I could afford- the BBC was out of my price range. I did
get myself a Plus One for some serious gaming, and even set up my first
business using the electron and my own BASIC programs for printing
flyers and customer databasing. Many happy our typing in games from
electron user, and leaving the computer on overnight whilst Mandlebrot
ran on a black and white TV set.

But the BBC was always my ultimate machine, time past by as did the
Electron, only to be dusted off every couple of years to try and get
past my 'deadly' rating on elite and wishing for some missions which
were cut out of the Elk version.

And then last week I saw on ebay (item no. 3052941939) a BBC and dual
disk drive with a possible fault-fuzzy screen. I looked carefully at the
cable (check out the auction and you can see the cable) and realised why
the TV screen was fuzzy so I bid on it. cost me £22.00 including

And there it sits, nice clear screen with the correct cable and (very
loud!) beep. 
BBC Computer 32K


OS 1.20

is on the screen
*HELP shows: 

Luckily I have Elite on cassette to play with and I spent a happy few
hours trying to remember simple commands like *TAPE as I have no disks

I have tons of games on cassette for both the BBC and the Electron, but
these days I just dont like sitting by the cassette player, watching the
screen for the dreaded "data?....searching" 

I have an eprom programmer attached to my PC which I use reguarly for
work. Can I use the disk and rom images to burn onto an eprom? Also what
is the model of the eproms i should use? (27C128 for instance?)

If its not possible to use the images already available, I obviously
have to do it the hard way, but where do you start with a stack of 50
odd cassettes? 

Finally, its good to be here- and 20 years late I have myself a BBC


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