Date : Thu, 16 Oct 2003 23:16:43 +0100
From : Richard Gellman <splodge@...>
Subject: Re: Problems with Beebem 1.41
Divide Error? Different.
I did post to this list a while back semi-promising further development,
but as per usual, real-life has recently got in the way. I will continue
development, but it may be a while before a new version is out.
V 1.41 is the latest version, but if I recall, it was only offered out
to those who asked on this list, as the only change from 1.4 was the
total removal of Serial Port code that caused so many problems.
As for your divide error, the only thing that springs to mind is
something very bizarre happening while attempting to access "no disk",
i.e. no disk image is loaded, but an access attempt is made anyways. The
behaviour *should* be that BeebEm simulates an unusually long disk spin,
possibly eternally long, possibly resulting in a disk error.
I shall add it to the list of things to investigate once I get things
-- Richard Gellman
Geoff Smith wrote:
>As a new member I'm not sure what it is appropriate to post, so I hope
this is OK.
>I can't get into due to restrictions at my local library, so ...
>(1) I get the following when hitting A-<break> to switch to ADFS :-
>BEEBEM caused a divide error in module BEEBEM.EXE at 0157:004131ee.
>EAX=0007a120 CS=0157 EIP=004131ee EFLGS=00010246
>EBX=00000000 SS=015f ESP=0071fb58 EBP=0071fb6c
>ECX=0000feb1 DS=015f ESI=0000fe28 FS=0cef
>EDX=00000000 ES=015f EDI=0016e360 GS=0000
>Bytes at CS:EIP:
>f7 fb 99 81 e2 ff 00 00 00 03 c2 8a 15 00 a5 4a
>Stack dump:
>0000fe28 0000fe00 00000000 00000000 80000000 0071fb88 00407fd4 8000fe00
00000080 0000be41 0000fe28 00000001 0071fb9c 00401138 0000fe28 00000080
>This invariably occurs when A-<break> is the first thing I do (B or Master
mode) but also happens at other times when entering *ADFS.
>(2) I cannot write to ANY(*) disk in Beebem 1.41!
>In BBC B mode (DFS 2.26 / ADFS 1.3), or Master mode, with "write protect"
unticked I get "Disk Read Only" or "Disk protected" every time.
>I've tried deleting everything and unzipping afresh.
>Also deleting the registry entry.
>All to no avail.
>(*) Perversely if I create a new .adl disk I CAN write to it, even with
"write protect" ticked! But when I *MOUNT that same disk moments later
it too cannot be written to!
>Convinced its my fault , but can't see how - unless the "file" dropdown
is out of step with what the program is actually looking at?
>Neither of the above problems occurs on pcBBC demo or on Tom Seddon's
Model B emulator.
>Machine is a Dell Optiplex GX110 PIII 533 MHz Win95 OSR2 - no sound card,
but no other oddities.
>Any suggestions very welcome.
>Geoff Smith
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