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Date   : Fri, 03 Oct 2003 19:00:41 +1000
From   : "Bob Devries" <bdevries@...>
Subject: never rains but it pours

I'm now the proud owner of two BBC B computers.

This one is an issue 4 board.
It has a rather large "daughter" board perched above the main board, approx
7.5 X 5.5 inches. It is plugged onto the top of the CPU, and has one wire
going to S21 (s-w). It has 12 x 28 pin sockets. IC0 to 3 are filled with
MB8416 (static RAM?), IC's 4, 10, 11 are empty, and the rest are filled
with: Commstar, BeebugSoft Toolkit, Graphics, Wordwise, Beebugsoft Exmon..

On the main board, it has AMX in IC101, DFSOS in IC100, DiscDoc in IC88,
PB05 ROM in IC52, PB04 ROM in IC51. It's also fitted with the speech
processor chips.

Sadly, the first thing that happened after I turned it on, was a loud BANG,
and smoke from the PSU. The computer kept going, but I turned it off in a

Capacitor C2 in the PSU had erupted, and "let the smoke out". This happened
only a matter of days ago to the other BBC I have, only it was C3 in that
one. Both are across the mains, and probably dried out. Not a problem, those
parts I *can* get.

Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.

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