Date : Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:11:12 +0100
From : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: Re: DFS Execution address of BASIC program
In article <20030930201606.93470.qmail@...>,
Steve Fewell <kranser@...> wrote:
> --- Jon Ripley <beeb@...> wrote:
> > You can even make a BASIC program *Execable by
> > having a rather ingenious
> > REM on the first line, this is useful for having
> > BASIC programs called
> > !Boot on your disks.
> I've never heard of that before - now, that would be
> very ingenius! Do you have any more details as to what
> you'd need to put into the REM statement?
You may like to nosey at "Univers":
which allows you to *RUN *LIST *PRINT *EXEC and CHAIN a data file,which
might give you some inspiration,