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Date   : Fri, 19 Sep 2003 16:06:31
From   : Ben Newsam <ben@...>
Subject: Re: DFS Execution address of BASIC program

Steve Fewell <kranser@...> writes, despite their Organization
header saying ''
>> How would it know which ROM to jump to?
>True. But, it currently sets the execution address to
>&802B (on Master) which is the BASIC ROM warm startup
>routine. How does it know whether that this address is
>valid in other language ROMS?! It would need to use
>BASIC to use this address too. Wouldn't it?

Well, it wouldn't need to know which ROM if it was calling if it called
it from within the same ROM, IYSWIM. The next question is, is it ever
used from outside the BASIC ROM? And the answer is, I doubt it very
much, and my reason for thinking that is that the various versions of
BASIC would be incompatible with each other if this were the case.
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