Date : Mon, 08 Sep 2003 10:18:43
From : "Bob Devries" <bdevries@...>
Subject: Re: newbie question
Mike wrote:
> >10 *TV 0,1
> >20 mode 2
> >30 repeat
> >40 gcol 0,rnd(15)
> >50 plot 85,rnd(1279),rnd(1024)
> >60 until 0
> That looks familiar :) It's my "Beeb soak test" program.
Yeah, I think it was.
> It should draw random triangles all over the screen in different
> colours, some flashing. To more comprehensively test the video, add a
> line 55 P. "ON TEST". This will cause the screen to scroll upwards too,
> forcing the hardware to deal with differing "start of screen memory"
> addresses.
Mmmm, I can see that it draws *something* but triangles it aint. It is
broken up by bars of solid colour, and sometimes black.
> It might. Can you stick it on a website instead of mailing it?
I'll see what I can do.
My biggest worry is... The *exact* same fault was described by Andrew Davie
back in Feb'98 here:
Andrew is (or was) also an Aussie. I wonder if I've somehow ended up with
his (unrepaired) BBC-B?
I'll continue bashing at this 'til I get it working.
Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Qld, Australia