Date : Sun, 07 Sep 2003 20:44:38
From : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: newbie question
In article <001701c3741d$db7bc0a0$0100a8c0@...>, Bob Devries
<bdevries@...> writes
>OK from a post a *long* time ago, I typed in the following programme:
>10 *TV 0,1
>20 mode 2
>30 repeat
>40 gcol 0,rnd(15)
>50 plot 85,rnd(1279),rnd(1024)
>60 until 0
That looks familiar :) It's my "Beeb soak test" program.
>When I RUN it, I get patterns all over the screen. What *should* it look
It should draw random triangles all over the screen in different
colours, some flashing. To more comprehensively test the video, add a
line 55 P. "ON TEST". This will cause the screen to scroll upwards too,
forcing the hardware to deal with differing "start of screen memory"
>If anyone wants to see what the screen looks like, I can take a picture of
>it, and email that. I dunno if that would help.
It might. Can you stick it on a website instead of mailing it?
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