Date : Sun, 07 Sep 2003 09:59:27
From : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: newbie question
In article <006a01c374ee$22cb67a0$0100a8c0@...>,
Bob Devries <bdevries@...> wrote:
> Sprow said:
> > However,before we go pulling chips out,it's not just something obvious
[nothing obvious]
> I believe that there's something amiss in th programming of the line size
> in
> the registers of the 6845, or the 6845's access to the ram is faulty.
> Without a logic analizer, though, I can't tell.
I remember fixing a machine with functional but weird video which was the
74LS283 which couldn't add up.However that it occurs in modes 0-7 that
wouldn't make sense since in mode 7 the 6845 doesn't do much.
If you wrote a little program to fill the screen memory with &FF for each
mode this would confirm if the 6845 can't get at the RAM or not.
Other than that,dunno,