Date : Sat, 06 Sep 2003 12:23:27
From : "Bob Devries" <bdevries@...>
Subject: Re: newbie question
OK from a post a *long* time ago, I typed in the following programme:
10 *TV 0,1
20 mode 2
30 repeat
40 gcol 0,rnd(15)
50 plot 85,rnd(1279),rnd(1024)
60 until 0
When I RUN it, I get patterns all over the screen. What *should* it look
Funny thing is, obviously, there's no problem typing a programme in, and the
memory must be OK, 'cos I can RUN it.
Just the video is screwy.
I'm not sure about my previous post. MA7 *sometimes* flashes to +5v.
So I'm left with assuming that one of the video components is bad, but which
If anyone wants to see what the screen looks like, I can take a picture of
it, and email that. I dunno if that would help.
Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Qld, Australia