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Date   : Mon, 25 Aug 2003 21:51:38 +0100
From   : "C Alastair Seggie" <alastairseggie@...>
Subject: Re: Protected disc

Thanks Mark 

If you could modify the program that would be good. I am home tomorrow
any way. There always seems to be 10 sectors per track. It was just In
ADI the sectors are not always numbered 0,1,2.....9. one track will be
0,1,2...9 the next one starts at track 3,4,5......0,1,2 then the next
will be something different.

I have Got Enigma disc imager 2.4 but it is producing Garbage..... My
fault probably. I will keep persevering. Do you know if disc duplicator
will run on a master. I found it on the 8BS site but it had a comment
that it does not work on the master.

Thanks for your help


-----Original Message-----
From: Marky [mailto:markw@...] 
Sent: 25 August 2003 21:37
To: C Alastair Seggie
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Protected disc

The xfer is looking for the no. of sectors first and is giving up
because it is
not seeing the number corresponding to 40 or 80 tracks.

I can modify the program to not do this check and to go ahead and get
track.  I can send the modified program to you tomorrow morning. But
still no
guarantees it will work.  It will copy all tracks that have the correct
sectors per track.

What exactly do you mean by skewing is it that some tracks have less
than 10

Have you got any other methods for copying the disc?  I think the best
bet will
be to get hold of the Disc Duplicator program.


On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, C Alastair Seggie wrote:

| Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 21:01:32 +0100
| From: C Alastair Seggie <alastairseggie@...>
| To: bbc-micro@...
| Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Protected disc
| Hi Mark
| Here is what it said when the G command was used in  XFER4.
| Unrecognised disc format, drive 0 has 82432 bytes
| Disc 0 returned size is not a whole number of tracks
| =1B$B!j=1B(B
| Any Ideas?
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Marky [mailto:mark.bbc@...] 
| Sent: 25 August 2003 19:09
| To: C Alastair Seggie
| Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Protected disc
| What happens if you try the XFER (G)et Disc Image ( Which copies the
| individual tracks ) ?
| I have modified the Basic Program so that the Get disc image works:
| http://www.thefatguy.co.uk/bbc/xfer4/XFER-M1$.zip
| You'll have to transfer this version of XFER to the BBC then run it...
| On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, C Alastair Seggie wrote:
| | Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:36:43 +0100
| | From: C Alastair Seggie <alastairseggie@...>
| | To: bbc-micro@...
| | Subject: [BBC-Micro] Protected disc
| | 
| | Thanks for the replies to my earlier questions.
| |  
| | I am now having a problem copying a Protected Disc. 
| |  
| | The original disk is a factory produced disk 40 track DSDD. The
| | side is blank. I have three (factory) copies of this and the all
| behave
| | the same. There is a file called CNCDRAW, I am unsure of it's
| | as If I try to load it, it gives the same disc error as below.
| |  
| | Essentially there are two problems:
| | 1)       I am using ADI200, to copy these there seems to be some
| skewing
| | of the sectors and tracks 33&34 have no sectors. Apart from that I
| | see no other problems. When I copy these they copy fine and verify
| fine.
| | When I run the program (menu driven CNC program) it loads and runs
| fine,
| | but when I ask it to load a specific file into the CNC simulation it
| | gets errors and exits to the prompt. On the original disk this does
| not
| | happen.
| | What are the settings you would recommend and any advice would be
| | apprieciated.
| |  
| | 2)       When trying to XFER the disc to PC I get the following
| listing
| | $.CNCDRAW                 000000  000000  002000  00A
| | Then it says transferring and the file size is 3062. It makes a
| as
| | if the drive is on the wrong track setting and comes back with this
| | error
| | DISC FAULT AT :0 0F/00 AT LINE 1350
| | If I switch the drive over to 80 track when it makes its noise I get
| the
| | following error
| | DISC FAULT AT 0 0E/00 AT LINE 1350
| |  
| | Now for some other info that may or may not be helpful. I have some
| | software written by the same company for a CNC milling Machine, it
| on
| | a 80 track disc DSDD but these have hand written labels Indicating
| that
| | they were copied. It also has this CNCDRAW file (but the file size
| | smaller at 2560) and it gives exactly the same problem when trying
| | xfer it across. The error I get is the same for the 40 or 80 track
| | switch setting: DISC FAULT AT 0 01/00 AT LINE 1350
| |  
| | Is the "LINE 1350" referring to the XFER ? or to the file its trying
| to
| | transfer?
| |  
| | I don't have these discs for long as they need to be sent back on
| | tues/wed this week.
| |  
| | Alastair
| |  

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