Date : Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:23:43 +0100
From : Tony <kilm02@...>
Subject: Re: Protected disc
It's protected using a non-standard sector and track layout for
certain parts of the disk. I'd suspect the copies you have are too.
You'll need a program capable of making a mirror image copy, such as
disk duplicator II (or ripoff 9 as it was renamed down our local
computer group ;)) or Enigma disk imager (a ROM). They'll copy the
disk complete with the non-standard format.
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:36:43 +0100, you wrote:
>Thanks for the replies to my earlier questions.
>I am now having a problem copying a Protected Disc.
>The original disk is a factory produced disk 40 track DSDD. The second
>side is blank. I have three (factory) copies of this and the all behave
>the same. There is a file called CNCDRAW, I am unsure of it's function
>as If I try to load it, it gives the same disc error as below.
>Essentially there are two problems:
>1) I am using ADI200, to copy these there seems to be some skewing
>of the sectors and tracks 33&34 have no sectors. Apart from that I can
>see no other problems. When I copy these they copy fine and verify fine.
>When I run the program (menu driven CNC program) it loads and runs fine,
>but when I ask it to load a specific file into the CNC simulation it
>gets errors and exits to the prompt. On the original disk this does not
>What are the settings you would recommend and any advice would be
>2) When trying to XFER the disc to PC I get the following listing
>$.CNCDRAW 000000 000000 002000 00A
>Then it says transferring and the file size is 3062. It makes a noise as
>if the drive is on the wrong track setting and comes back with this
>DISC FAULT AT :0 0F/00 AT LINE 1350
>If I switch the drive over to 80 track when it makes its noise I get the
>following error
>Now for some other info that may or may not be helpful. I have some
>software written by the same company for a CNC milling Machine, it is on
>a 80 track disc DSDD but these have hand written labels Indicating that
>they were copied. It also has this CNCDRAW file (but the file size is
>smaller at 2560) and it gives exactly the same problem when trying to
>xfer it across. The error I get is the same for the 40 or 80 track
>switch setting: DISC FAULT AT 0 01/00 AT LINE 1350
>Is the "LINE 1350" referring to the XFER ? or to the file its trying to
>I don't have these discs for long as they need to be sent back on
>tues/wed this week.