Date : Wed, 13 Aug 2003 23:27:56 +0100
From : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: Over 150,000 hits to the BBC Micro Mailing List Archive
I have a feeling that any popular newsgroup can be infiltrated by the
spammers - if it comes up as a top search, then they join and just copy our
e-mails from our letters. I too have noticed a huge increase in spam - in
fact while I was away on a 4 day break, I got 260 spam e-mails - is this a
Fortunately I managed to delete them all using Mailwasher (free).
I run a local charity site and that's started getting loads of spam and that
site ain't a member of anything but it does come up in the top 10 when
searching for the particular cause!
Colin Hill
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Thornley" <C.J.Thornley@...>
To: "'Jon Ripley'" <beeb@...>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:55 PM
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Over 150,000 hits to the BBC Micro Mailing List
> Hi,
> Have you removed or altered nay of the email addresses in the archive
> because I have noticed a massive increase in SPAM over the last month of
> so. I'm now getting 30+ SPAM messages a day.
> Thanks
> Chris
> /> Christopher J. Thornley is
> cjt@...
> ( //------------------------------------------------------,
> (*)OXOXOXOXO(*>=*=O=S=U=0=3=6=*=--------- >
> ( \\------------------------------------------------------'
> \> Home Page :-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf
> Of Jon Ripley
> Sent: 13 August 2003 20:13
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Over 150,000 hits to the BBC Micro Mailing List
> Archive
> Hi all,
> Since the release of the mailing list archive I have been astounded at
> the amount of interest that it has generated.
> Last month alone, when the list went public, there were over 75,000
> hits. Bringing the total so far to what I believe is over 150,000 hits
> from browsers the world over. The web server that hosts the archive is
> doing not much else other than serving the archive.
> Over 15 search engines seem to have picked up the list and the list
> keeps cropping up all over the place and can sometimes be found as the
> top search result on Google for a variety of queries.
> But it is not just search engines that have been looking at the archive
> a huge number of individuals are also browsing.
> From emails I have received I believe that there has been at least one
> new member who joined after discovering the archive.
> Another side effect seems to be that members who include a URL to their
> web site in their messages, may actually be climbing higher on the
> search engine rankings.
> I'm not sure if all this is a good or a bad thing but I must say that I
> never expected this level of interest.
> Regards,
> Jon R.
> --
> Quality RISC OS Software Home of the
> BBC Micro and BBC Emulators mailing list archives When replying, please
> reply to me or the mailing list, not both.