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Date   : Sun, 10 Aug 2003 21:20:07 +0100
From   : "C Alastair Seggie" <alastairseggie@...>
Subject: Re: 270 BBC books.


I recognise some of those books, some are even in the bookshelf beside
me I will be glad to scan them in, but what quality, or more to the
point what SiZe?

I have broad band so as large as you like. Then you can reduce the
quality to what you think is appropriate and have a high quality image
as a backup. 

Let me know what you want.


-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf
Of W.Scholten
Sent: 10 August 2003 14:47
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] 270 BBC books.

That's approximately how many are now on my list... I've used
amazon.co.uk to give me lots of information (publisher/ISBN/pages etc).
Just about all those old books are in their system, probably from old
'books in print' editions? Probably added when they started doing market
place/auction stuff.

 Some details are suspect and some books are listed as published by
Collins when I know they've been published by Granada, like:

 - "Discovering BBC micro machine code" (Granada: A.P. Stephenson,
1983), Paperback 160 pages (November 1984), Publisher: Collins; ISBN:


 - "Advanced machine code techniques for the BBC micro" (Granada: A.P.
Stephenson & D.J. Stephenson, 1984), Paperback 258 pages (January 1985),
Publisher: Collins; ISBN: 0003831507 / Paperback 258 pages (31 December,
1985), Publisher: HarperCollins; ISBN: 0246122277

Maybe a merger/takeover? But I see a book by Granada published in feb.
85, when the above book "discovering.." is published by Granada in 83
and by Collins in 1984. Hmm...

Another thing:
 - "Artificial intelligence on the BBC and Electron computers: Make your
micro think", Keith Brain, Steven Brain, paperback 192 pages (17 April,
1984), Publisher: Sunshine Bks; ISBN: 094640836X

Two guys named 'Brain' writing a book on artificial intelligence? Come

The list and a page with book covers (85 at the moment, better ones are
needed in most cases so send me some scans!):

BBC/atom/old magazine scans etc:

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