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Date   : Thu, 07 Aug 2003 15:40:59 +0100
From   : "Jonathan Irvine" <Jon@...>
Subject: Re: BBC B issue differences?

> There's very little difference between 4 and 7.  The tracks were
> re-worked to prvide better power/ground distribution and clean up some
> signal lines.  Issue 2 had some bugs, partly corrected in Issue 3, the
> rest were fixed in Issue 4.  The service manual gives the details of te
> bugs (things like adding a transistor for the printer strobe, capacitor
> for the sound, etc).  Issue 1 exists but very few were made (and if the
> person who borrowed my Issue 1 and never returned is reading this, I
> WANT IT BACK PLEASE!) because it had a lot of problems.

I have an issue 1 board, but it's believed to be a converted U.S. BBC... or
so someone told me (it contains lots of additional metal covers inside and
is probably twice as heavy). Were these the only issue 1's or were there
versions without all the additional casing.

Seem to remember this issue 1 has a few problems too!


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