Date : Thu, 07 Aug 2003 13:58:03 +0100 (BST)
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: BBC B issue differences?
is there an easy answer to what the differences are between the different BBC B
issue numbers? Just going through my collection and I seem to have issue 3, 4
and 7 machines - with 7 being far more common. I don't recall ever seeing 1 / 2
/ 5 / 6's. (possibly 1 and 2 were model A machines? Certainly my ICL-built
early machines are still issue 3's)
I believe the B schematic I have is for an issue 7 machine - are the others
floating around the 'net somewhere (if sufficiently different) or could be made
Backward conditioning: putting saliva in a dog's mouth in an attempt to
make a bell ring.
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