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Date   : Thu, 07 Aug 2003 11:37:04 +0000
From   : "Guy Smiley" <guy_h_smiley@...>
Subject: Bee Bee Sea Micro - some queries

I have a few questions on the BBC Micro - I would really appreciate your
help in answering them please. I've already asked on usenet, but thought
I'd get a greater amount of responses here. Thanks.

Q.1) Does "large-screen/sampled-speech" Exile work with a standard B+ (the
     one with 12k sideways ram)? Or does it require a 'full' 16k of
     additional sideways ram to run?

Q.2) Is the 12k ram from &8000-&AFFF in the standard B+ considered a 'real'
     sideways ram, or does it's use differ in ways from, for example, the
     four 16k pages of ram available in the B+128k BBC Micro?

Q.3) Does the special 4k ram 'VDU drivers' region from &A000-&AFFF in the
     B+ operate ONLY for the 12k of paged ram, or does that memory region
     have that special VDU status across ALL possible paged ram (such as
     the additional 4x16k paged rams in the B+128k Beeb)?

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