Date : Sun, 03 Aug 2003 22:22:42 +0100 (BST)
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: BBC controlled lathe (Re: BeebEm Development)
> I have the software now thanks to a kind gentleman called Spike. I even
> have dumps of the ROM from his BBC. The problem is not the ROM itself
> but the carrier it is inserted into, before being placed in the BBC.
> See this link for pictures:
So the lathe has an identical ROM carrier? What happens if you remove that
carrier and just use the ROMs as-is in both the BBC and the lathe?
What happens if you use the carrier from the lathe in the BBC - does the
software behave any differently?
If the carrier in the lathe is identical to what should be in the BBC, maybe
it's worth putting the word out on some of the engineering newsgroups for a
broken lathe of that type that would source one of those carriers - you might
get lucky!
Backward conditioning: putting saliva in a dog's mouth in an attempt to
make a bell ring.
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