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Date   : Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:55:27 +0100 (BST)
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Doc Project

> A lot of the source code, if it's still there, is of pre-release and
> development versions, such as a program we wrote for a company
> intending to install BBC's with teletext in motorway cafes to provide
> trafic info.

well don't lose it if it is still there! :)  I'd be interested in archiving it,
if it is still intact. One thing I'd like to get hold of is one of the old UK
rail station display systems as those were BBC-based IIRC. At least the
software would be nice; the machines themselves were likely pretty much stock.
Anyone know?

> this weekend I'll go through them and
> see what's survived but they really were abused - no dust jackets in
> many cases.

wouldn't surprise me if they were fine; just make sure they're clean before
putting them in a drive; anything getting caught between disk surface and heads
won't likely do them much good!

> The hardware's survived a bit better and I still have prototypes of
> our teletext adapter, 

do you know if all teletext adapters have a bodged chip soldered upside-down
onto one of the existing chips? Mine does. Only reason I ask is that I got that
unit from the same site that yielded my ARM evaluation kit, and I have no idea
why they had the latter. Given the scarcity of ARM kits it always made me
wonder if the site used to do testing work for Acorn on prototype hardware or
at initial release.

My teletext box - somewhat annoyingly - has an IEEE box lid to it; I only took
it out of the polystyrene the other day and re-discovered this. That's more
likely to be a site hack to fix a damaged case than it being shipped that way
from Acorn though I imagine :-)

> half an Electron adapter, ramdisk, eprom
> programmer, Master romboard and a couple of others.

If you have schematics I'd be keen to collect those together too. 



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make a bell ring.

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