Date : Tue, 29 Jul 2003 14:10:43 +0100 (BST)
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Beeb Em 1.41 on XP?
> On a semi-related topic, there seems to have been no work done on either
> "The BBC Lives!" and the "BBC Documentation Project" - the latter is a
> huge shame, as there are some documents on there, marked as "coming soon"
> or "volunteers needed", which I'd really like to lay my hands on. I have
> emailed Mark Usher to offer my assistance, but again - no response.
No, I've found the same thing - no response at all. I was hoping the site could
be expanded to cover other early Acorn models; in particular I have a lot of
System 1-5 / Atom documentation which it would be nice to scan and add, plus a
few obscure schematics. (I'm on a drive to collect All Things Acorn these days
I should be able to get as much webspace as I need sorted out fairly soon (and
with a decent speed link) so I'll probably scan and put those docs up there and
maybe mirror the BBC doc project or something. ROM images are of course fair
game too.
Backward conditioning: putting saliva in a dog's mouth in an attempt to
make a bell ring.
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