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Date   : Tue, 29 Jul 2003 12:41:27 +0100
From   : Mark Cooke <mpc@...>
Subject: Re: Beeb Em 1.41 on XP? - try ModelB ?

If you haven't tried ModelB, I would.  It's very good, and it brought
back a few memories playing tetrapods, starship command and co again.

One day when I get some time, I am going to see about adding tube
support to it for enhanced elite, but earliest that would be is October.

ModelB runs about '9-10MHz' with the speed limit turned off on my 2GHz
P4 laptop, so there's plenty of spare horsepower for a tube emulation.

'QuickLaunch' is a great feature too.  Rough edges are having to edit
the ini file for things like sideways ram and additional roms, but as
Tom says in the commentary, they're not often changed items.


ModelB: http://www.tomseddon.plus.com/beeb/beeb.html

On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 12:10, Matt.Forbes@... wrote:
> Stuart hasn't done any visible work on pcBBC since (IIRC) 1998, and I
> e-mailed him about 18 months ago as I had lost my original
> installation disk (I had a registered version) and wanted a
> replacement - no reply.  At the time, pcBBC was far and away the best
> emulator on the market, and so I really gave up on the whole BBC
> emulation scene, until about 6 months ago, when I discovered BeebEm,
> and found a superb emulator that works beautifully under win2000
> (work) and Win XP Pro (home).  
> On a semi-related topic, there seems to have been no work done on
> either "The BBC Lives!" and the "BBC Documentation Project" - the
> latter is a huge shame, as there are some documents on there, marked
> as "coming soon" or "volunteers needed", which I'd really like to lay
> my hands on.  I have emailed Mark Usher to offer my assistance, but
> again - no response.
> Back on topic - as far as I'm really concerned, the only new features
> I'd like to see on the emulator would be -
> -> Support for an emulated teletext adapter, using a PC TV card
> -> Support for "virtual" hard drives under ADFS (see thread on this
> subject recently)
> -> An emulated Domesday System !
> I know that I'm probably pushing my luck with the last one, but then
> I'm sure that all the data could be squeezed onto a DVD or two, and
> that software could emulate the Laserdisc control system, and use a
> DVD-Rom drive to access it.  This of course depends on there being a
> set of Domesday disks still in existence!
> Oh well - I'm happy with BeebEm for the time being, but we can always
> dream!3
> All the Best
> Matt Forbes
>         To:      
> bbc-micro@...
>         cc:        
>         Subject:      
> Re: [BBC-Micro] Beeb Em
> 1.41 on XP?
> Have you noticed that no-one seems to be doing any work any more on
> either of the good emulators, pcBBC and BeebEm?  What's going on?
> Fiaz.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Matt.Forbes@... wrote:
> Hi John (and all) 
> As far as I know, 1.41 is the latest version, although sadly, no-one
> seems to be doing any more work on the emulator, and the websites are
> only available in a cached form on Google and other search engines. 
> As for XP, I'm running 1.41 on XP Professional, and have had no
> problems whatseoever, without having to resort to any form of
> compatibility mode - what are the messages that you are seeing? 
> All the best 
> Matt Forbes 
> "John Richardson" <j.m.richardson@...> 
> Sent by: Majordomo List Manager <majordomo@...> 
> 28/07/2003 17:20 
>         To:        <bbc-micro@...> 
>         cc:         
>         Subject:        [BBC-Micro] Beeb Em 1.41 on XP?
> Is anyone running BeebEm on XP? And is 1.41 the latest version?
> Richard Gellman's old page no longer seems available and when I run
> 1.41
> on XP, I get various error messages, even with Windows 98
> compatibility
> on.
> John.
> ====
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Mark Cooke <mpc@...               >
University Of Birmingham

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