Date : Wed, 23 Jul 2003 18:09:51 +0100
From : Charles Blackburn <charlesb@...>
Subject: Re: Disposal of BBC microcomputer hardware
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003 15:05:14 +0100
Jon Ripley <beeb@...> wrote:
> >
> >Martin Bathe.
> Here is the list of items available, there are photos on the site:
> BBC B Microcomputer, Acorn Electronics
> BBC Master Microcomputer, Acorn Electronics
> Cub microcomputer colour monitor, Microvitec
> Double disc drives for BBC Microcomputers
> Second 6502 Processor & IEE488 Interface, Acorn Electronics
> Single disc drives for BBC Microcomputers
i'd be interested in them all, but cost of shipping etc, where are they
jim as I've missed the previous posts