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Date   : Wed, 16 Jul 2003 11:42:13 +0100
From   : Darren Logan <Darrenl@...>
Subject: Re: BBC stuff up for grabs FOC (not mine!)


Im in Cambridge. Where abouts are these items and can you please remind me
what is available?


Kind regards, 
Darren Logan BSc(Hons) 
Development Engineer 
Michell Instruments Ltd   tel: +44(0)1223 434 854 
Nuffield Close                fax: +44(0)1223 434 895 
Cambridge                    www.michell-instruments.com 
CB4 1SS                       mailto:darrenl@... 

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-----Original Message-----
From: F. Haroon [mailto:haroonpd@...]
Sent: 16 July 2003 11:12
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC stuff up for grabs FOC (not mine!)

Instead of skipping them, I'm sure that Chris from 8BS might need a
stock of them to sell on.  Send it to him.  Chris, rescue them

Before you do send them on, I just wondered about the ANFS versions in
the Masters, and the BBC's  - are they latest possible?  What was the
software used on them?


Nick B wrote:

If there are no takers, the items are all to be skipped! So get in

Again, all items are FREE and you must collect from Cambridge. Please
not bid! Do not hesitate to e-mail for more information.



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