Date : Thu, 10 Jul 2003 21:36:18 +0100
From : "Andrew Chesterton" <andrew.chesterton@...>
Subject: Re: BBC related mailing lists
Hi ,
Just got back to my email, hense the late reply.
I subscribed to the Econet list about six monthes ago, and have had nothing
but spam like joel said.
Pity, because I was looking for a good reference and/or forum for Econet and
haven't managed to find one.
----- Original Message -----
From: Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
To: Jon Ripley <beeb@...>; <>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC related mailing lists
> At 04:44 15/06/2003 +0100, Jon Ripley wrote:
> >A few people have mailed me with regard to an ECONET mailing list that
> >I have been unable to track down.
> This is (was?) run by Stuart Winter, who's on holiday at the moment - I
> can't remember if he moved it off my server or not, but it was certainly
> almost silent save for the tumbleweed of an occasional spam which got
> through the net.
> BR
> j
> --
> Joel Rowbottom BSc.(Hons) - vaguely human and mostly harmless
> Self-confessed was-kid, Unix geek & Net addict since 1991
> Personal: | Pics: