Date : Tue, 17 Jun 2003 21:38:56 +1300
From : Michael Foot <mjfoot@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC B PSU delay
In message <4c02df8d42info@...>
Sprow <info@...> wrote:
> In article <dc7ecb24c%mjfoot@...>,
> Michael Foot <mjfoot@...> wrote:
> > > > My Model B takes a couple of minutes to start up from a cold swit
> > > > on, but starts straight away everytime after that. Could someone =
> > > > remind me which part of the PSU needs replacing to cure this?
> > >
> > > Time to replace the startup capacitor.
> > > From memory its a 100uF capacitor sat on its own nearer the mains e
> > > you
> > > can take a photo of it and email it to me I'll point it out - I onl
y have
> > > Masters here at the moment.
> Ah yes,that's just reminded me there's a dead BBC B+ in the loft
> [...rummages in the loft...]
> C9.
I've got the PSU (and Model B) working again. It was indeed "C9" that nee
ded replacing. Except that the PSU on this Model B was made by Wongs Elec
tronics in Hong Kong. The capacitor C9 on most (Aztec?) PSUs is labeled C
20 on the Wongs PSU hence the confusion. Once I knew where it was located
I was able to replace it with a 220uF 16V capacitor.
Thanks for your help.
Michael Foot <mjfoot(at)paradise(dot)net(dot)nz> *
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