Date : Tue, 13 May 2003 17:06:42 +0000 (GMT)
From : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: RE: Encoding of line numbers in BBC BASIC
In article <50DA4D126823D411AE2600508B5E2B5A013BC97B@...>,
"Fewell, Steve" <Steve.Fewell@...> wrote:
> [just replying to mega old messages, :-)]
> On Fri, 28 Feb 1997 Robert Schmidt wrote:
> > Does anyone know how this is done for line numbers in statements like
> > "GOTO x" etc.?
> >
> > I'm trying to improve the BAS2TXT program on my pages so that the output
> > looks nicer (indentation, etc). Today, such line numbers just show up
> > as the text "(LINE NUMBER)".
> Have you had any luck yet? If not, then my BASIC 4 disassembly on 8bs
> should be updated to include this information in the next month or two, :-)
This is trivial,and covered in a number of books such as the "BASIC ROM User
Guide" by Mark Plumbley.My PICBasic assembler uses it (see DEFFNunpacktoken),