Date : Tue, 13 May 2003 15:19:37 +0100
From : Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Subject: BeebEm bugs (was: Compiling Beebem)
Steve Fewell wrote:
> Thanks for the information Thomas.
> Also, do you know if Richard Gellman is still maintaining BeebEm? I have
> found a bug that I posted a month or two back and would like to know if
> anyone would be able to sole the problem. The problem (in brief) is that
> the statement '?&FE6E=&A0' causes the emulated BBC to hang, when it
> should be initialising a 6522 Interrupt (I think).
On the subject of BeebEm, I was surprised to find a few problems with it
still (v1.41). Has anyone else noticed the following problems:-
- Psycastria 2: runs at about half the speed it should (this on a 2.4GHz
P4!), screen vertically aligned *FAR* too low, and the colour interrupt
fringes appearing to be in the wrong place.
- Omega Orb: strange graphical artifacts left by the main character as he
- Thunderstruck: more screen vertical alignment problems (far too low)
- Cyborg Warriors: some of the title screen text somehow written to the
wrong screen address so that it appears to wrap within its character row
(as if its screen address was 4 bytes greater than it should be).
- Anything relying on perfect 6522 timer emulation (all PC emus apparently
suffer from this). My 'Frogman' game demo fails to run on BeebEm because
its code is encrypted with timer EORing.
Rich Talbot-Watkins Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Direct line: 01223 341865
Cambridge Studio
"Fewell, Steve"
<Steve.Fewell@... To:> cc:
Sent by: Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro]
Compiling Beebem
Majordomo List
13/05/2003 14:53
Thanks for the information Thomas.
Also, do you know if Richard Gellman is still maintaining BeebEm? I have
found a bug that I posted a month or two back and would like to know if
anyone would be able to sole the problem. The problem (in brief) is that
statement '?&FE6E=&A0' causes the emulated BBC to hang, when it should be
initialising a 6522 Interrupt (I think).
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Adam [mailto:thomas_adam16@... ]
Sent: 13 May 2003 14:48
To: Fewell, Steve; bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Compiling Beebem
--- "Fewell, Steve" <Steve.Fewell@... > wrote:
> Hi all,
Hey Steve,
> I'm having trouble compiling BeebEm. Does anyone know how to compile it?
Heh -- I have tried on numerous occassions.
> I have Beebem141, and copied makefile.base to makefile, and ran 'make'
> using
> gcc (not sure which version), it compiled 6502core.o, beebmem.o,
> beebwin.o,
> disc8271.o (all with warning errors), and then stopped saying "make: ***
> No
> rule to make target `main.o', needed by `beebem'. Stop."
Ah -- this is a known error and something that I am currently working on.
I have e-mailed the maintainer but have had no response. Richard Gellman
is the man who maintains the Windows port of Beebem (and someone whom I
know), and he says that he is going to get in touch with the Unix
> Am I compiling the Unix version instead of the windows version? Or am I
> doing something else wrong?
No you're doing everything correctly. I have been struggling to get this
to compile on my Debian box for about six months now.
> Can anyone point me to the gcc file for the correct version that works
> with
> BeebEm, if that is the problem?
I'll let you know what Richard Gellman says in due course....
-- Thomas Adam
Thomas Adam
"The Linux Weekend Mechanic" --
Yahoo! Plus
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