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Date   : Thu, 01 May 2003 11:09:44 +0100 
From   : Stephen.Gilbert@...
Subject: Re: BBC Micro Games Copy Protection

I used Replay to copy from Tape to Disc, but then that's cheating.
I did/do have a few utilities/programs that allowed me to
copy most tape games to disk, but some as we have talked about
have protection that would need to be cracked before playing
on disk.
I found Vector2 useful as well to copy from tape to disc, but then
its similar to replay, not a clean transfer of files across.

Currently, I'm going thru some 200+ disks of stuff for the BBC,
and will be sell most of it on ebay. There must be over 500 games
so far, some I dont see on http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/
http://www.beebgames.com/ etc etc. My hobby was to collect every
game written for the BBC, but that was probably impossible.
There's some real gems I'm coming across. I thought the hack
for creating your own chuckie egg screens was cool.

Does anyone on this list have Replay, and if so, remember you
used to get sheets posted out to you with all the cheat
codes. What was the last sheet number you received. Trying
to work out what the last one was, just encase I missed any
before the makers of REPLAY stop. I can scan in some if
anyone needs them.. maybe there is web page somewhere for
replay??? please list if there is.


-----Original Message-----
From: F. Haroon [mailto:haroonpd@...]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 10:26 AM
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC Micro Games Copy Protection

I was on about copying games from tape to disk.  No utility or
technique I've seen has yet successfully copied all games onto disk. 
Mind you, I had no problem copying disk-to-disk  - can ADI Toolkit copy
tape-to-disk successfully as well?


Graham  wrote:At 15:43 30/04/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>> Personally, I never used any of them, that might have something to
do >> with the fact that I was running a Opus Challenger drive which
was >> based on the 1770,>>I've probably got about 20-or-so protected
"bit copiers", but none of them>work on a 1770 DFS.>>Were there any
that did?>IIRC, some of the later versions of ADI Toolkit did.

HaroonNET   - http://www.geocities.com/haroonpd/

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