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Date   : Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:34:42 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: BBC ARM evaluation kits


I tried posting this to comp.sys.acorn.misc, but I may have more luck here...

I traded a few emails over the last week about the old ARM evaluation
kits released as add-ons for the BBC range of machines many moons

unfortunately the system I have I got with no discs, but I've found
someone who can get access to a complete disc set. Question is, what's
the best way of creating disc images from the source media so that
they can not only be emailed to me, but also (hopefully) be stuck on
an ftp site somewhere useful?

I believe the person who has access to the discs owns a variety of
Acorn and PC hardware with which to work; I've just got a couple of
PCs and a selection of old Acorn/BBC equipment (a few B's, a master,
Electron, Atom, and an ACW if I remember right)

Also, any ideas how many of the ARM evaluation units were made for the
BBC systems? I suspect not many. (Mine's #49, which I wouldn't be at
all surprised to hear is near the end of the line!)



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