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Date   : Mon, 20 Jan 2003 01:31:09 GMT
From   : pete@...
Subject: ARM Evaluation Kit and disk images

Recently there's been some discussion about ARM Evaluation Kits (the ARM
Second Processor for a Beeb) on the ClassicCmp mailing list.  As a result
of that, I've discovered almost a dozen people who have ARM Evaluation Kits
(aka ARM Evaluation System, as that's what's on the label on the Second
Processor unit).

None of us has a complete uncorrupted set of disks, but I have a set (of
six) and have been promised a copy of the one that's corrupt.  To make
these available to others who might want them in the future, I was thinking
of putting the disk images on a website.  What's a good format to use?  It
has to be something that preserves the file attributes (load address, exec
address, etc).  The only thing I can think of is a spark archive, but that
can't be handled by a BBC Micro (as far as I know).  And an Archimedes or
RISC PC doesn't usually have a 5.25" drive.  Any suggestions?

We've been trying to guess how many were made.  So far, all the serial
numbers we know of are below 1000050.  Does anyone else want to own up to
owning one?

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York

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