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Date   : Sun, 15 Dec 2002 13:13:13 GMT
From   : Chris Johns <chris.johns@...>
Subject: Econet Servers

Ho ho ho and a merry christmas!

I have two Econet servers here if anyone is interested in them - 
here's your chance to get started in Econet networking :=)

One is an Acorn FileStore (non-stacking version) E01 + E20.
The other is a SJ Research MDFS with a 20 meg hard drive unit.

Both will be supplied "blank" with the basic file server installs on
them. I can also copy across other stuff if you're interested.

The MDFS has mild amnesia, it forgets its CMOS settings if left off for
a while, I suspect the battery has had it.

The Filestore needs the flaps on the front to be blu-taked in place (I
think this is standard for these units).

I can't find a spare MDFS key at the moment, but I will leave the
keyswitch in the "System" position so you can use it.

These are heavy beasts, ideally to be collected (from Chelmsford, Essex),
but might be able to arrange something if that's not possible.

Before they go on ebay; anyone here interested? If you want to setup an
Econet network I may also have some other bits you'll need too.

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