Date : Wed, 04 Dec 2002 14:23:18 +0000
From : Paul Wheatley <p.r.wheatley@...>
>>P.S. My gut feeling is that there is a factor of 4 to be had in lossless
>>compression of those images (at least); and I bet there is enough
>>compression potential for very tightly controlled lossy compression to
>>get the whole lot onto a DVD ROM.
> I imagine 10 years from now the surviving members of this list will be
> discussing what to do about the impending inaccessibily of the Domesday
> DVD-ROM due to hardware obsolesence... and someone probably having an old
> Master that still runs it fine from LD ;-)
The whole thrust of our work is to move Domesday to a media neutral form in
which it can be preserved over time. I've never suggested putting it on a
DVD. If you have a look at our web site, you'll find lots of info on this.
The early publications by my colleague Dave Holdsworth are a good place
to start.
> Personally, I'd like to see the whole lot on a web site, with a choice of
> updated or BBC emulator front-end.
As I've said many times on this email list, copyright problems prevent this.
There will be a couple of detailed copyright reports discussing the whole
issue on our web site in a couple of weeks when I've finished writing them.
In the meantime, apparently I've just been on BBC News 24 sat in front of
some Domesday kit. Not seen it, but the person who did was a friend of a
friend who used to work at Domesday, so I'm sure its gold.
> Colin f
UK Project Manager
0113 343 5830