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Date   : Mon, 25 Nov 2002 00:29:37 -0000
From   : "Richard Gellman" <splodge@...>
Subject: Re: BeebEm

Colin wrote:

>I don't use BeebEm much though as on my PC it is
>painfully slow.

I am sending you a copy of the latest beebem.exe file - which (to my
knowledge) fixes the speed problem.

F. Harooon wrote:

>Hello folks, can anyone shed some light on how to work the ROM
>switching bit with BeebEm?  The Acorn 1770 DFS is there in the ROM
>directory with the Watford DFS but how do I get the thing to switch to
>Acorn 1770 DFS?  There's no option to switch to Acorn 1770 DFS when I
>do Options -> Model B Floppy Controller and I just see the 8271
>Watford, and the FDC extension board.  Does it need the appropriate DLL
>rather than a ROM image, or as well as one?

As with any hardware, it requires software to drive it.

For *any* disc emulation in BeebEm you need two parts: The FDC emulation,
and the appropriate ROM image. The FDC emulation is actually built into
BeebEm (even the 1770), and the DLL's merely fiddle the addresses and such
so that the disk drive looks ok to the filing system in question (different
boards used different address mapping configurations). The table below shows
you what DLL is to be used with what ROM:

8271 Controller:

Use any original Acorn DFS compatible ROM.

1770 Controller:

Acorn.dll - Acorn 1770 DFS (Model B version only, Master 128 uses different
version), and Solidisk is supposed to work, I've had no success.
Watford.dll - Watford Electronics DDFS Boards.
Opus.dll - Opus DDOS Boards.

The Select Floppy Controller just allows you to select which board
configuration you are going to use. You still have to make sure the ROM is
loaded into BeebEm by editing roms.cfg or using the ROM Manager program.

-- Richard

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