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Date   : Fri, 01 Nov 2002 08:30:25 +0000
From   : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 22:57:33 -0000

In article <00a401c28133$fa08ef80$532a883e@...>, Alastair Seggie
<alastairseggie@...> writes

>    I have recently become the proud owner of a MICRO PULSE (Northern 
>    computers) ROM BOX. This is a nifty little unit with 8 rom sockets 
>    one of which is a ZIF. You can switch between them with the 8 
>    position switch.

I have the bare board of one of those.  My local electronics repair shop
was selling off a load of factory reject ones for 50p apiece (this was
sometime about 1987), and it worked fine as soon as I located the solder
short and cleared it.  Then I installed the board in a suitable box, and
hey presto, one working ROMbox.

>    Now it has no leads and I canot find any thing on the web on it. I 
>    need to know how does it conect to the BBC? It has a 34 pin 
>    conector exactly the same as the 1Mhz bus/disk drive connectors on 
>    the BBC.

You need to make up (or have made up) a cable to connect the 34 pin
connector to a 28 pin socket header.  The last 6 pins are not used.
Don't make the cable too long.  I have a Care ROM cartridge system which
fits in the ashtray on my Beeb, and I filed out a notch in one of the
ROM cartridges for the ribbon cable, so I could plug the ROMbox into the

> If it does connect to the 1MHz bus does it need a rom?

No, it plugs into a spare ROM socket.  Put your selection of ROM(s) in
the ROMbox, turn on the Beeb, turn the knob on the ROMbox until the LED
next to the ROM you want to use illuminates, then press Break.

     Security-wise, NT is a server with a 'Kick me' 
     sign taped to it.         -- Peter Gutmann

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