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Date   : Wed, 30 Oct 2002 16:14:27 +0000
From   : Paul Wheatley <p.r.wheatley@...>
Subject: BBC Domesday - Emulation and Preservation, publicity event on 2nd

On the 2nd of December the CAMiLEON project is holding an event at the 
University of Leeds to announce, demonstrate and publicize its digital 
preservation work with BBC Domesday. The audience will include original 
members of the Domesday Project, as well as a good showing from the digital 
preservation, and BBC/Acorn/RiscOS communities. There will be four speakers 
including Peter Armstrong - the then Chairman of the Domesday Project and 
some special guests. A full demonstration of our BBC Domesday emulation will 
be running alonside the original BBC kit.

This will be an opportunity to chat with designers of Domesday and see it in 
action in its original and emulated forms. There is already a great deal of 
press interest and the event is expected to feature heavily in the national

The event will take place at 4pm on the 2nd December at the University
of Leeds.

A number of places are available for this invitation only event. If you are 
interested in attending, please drop me an email at p.r.wheatley@... 
including the following details:

Snail mail address:

Please could you also include details of your interest in Domesday or links 
to the BBC Domesday Project. We will be able to give some priority to those 
with a real Domesday link or to current RiscOS press.

Further information on the project can be found at: www.leeds.ac.uk/camileon

CAMiLEON is a joint project at the University of Leeds and the University of 
Michigan funded by JISC and NSF.

Many thanks

Paul Wheatley

P.S. Please do not forward on to the csa newsgroups as I have already 
submitted it to csa announce.
UK Project Manager
0113 343 5830

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